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Create a signature that will be appended to new messages automatically.

Begin with step 1


Step 1


Click the menu icon in the upper right corner of the page. From the dropdown, choose Settings.


Step 2

Open Signature

In the menu on the left hand side click on Mail, followed by Signature, to open the Signature settings.


Step 3

Defining Rules

Click on Add New Signature to create a signature.

Fill in the Fields and click on save.

Signature Name Enter a Name for the Signature. This Name won't be shown in the e-mail messages.

Textfield Enter the text of your Signature here.

Place of Signature Choose whether the Signature will be inserted at the beginning or the end of the e-mail.

Click on Save to save your Configuration.


Step 4

Check the rules

The signature is now the default signature for both new messages and replies or forwardings. If you want to change one of the two options, you can add another signature as described before. A different signature can now be set for the different types of messages.
